Since I have two positions, I like to have defined space for my preschoolers and for my elementary students. One half of my room is our "centers or free choice time" the other side is my work table for my elementary kiddos, a direct instruction work area for my preschoolers (also used as a seperate work area for my elementary kids), my desk area, and individual work desks for my elementary students that have a structured 1, 2, 3 work system.
Direct Instruction for Elementary:
I kind of explained this in a previous post but in this area, I have an awesome shelf with multiple spaces in it. On each shelf, I separate my things that are specific to each students' goal work. I also label on the front of each shelf the students' names so in case there is a sub or if my associates do direct instruction work they know what to pull. In a box next to that, I have my reinforcers/rewards for my students. Also hanging in that area are my students' progress monitoring clipboards.
Work at Desk:
Also in my classroom is two "work at desk" or independent work areas. Each area has a shelf (bought at target) with 3 shelves within them. At the beginning of the year, I have my associates make a 1, 2,3 work system. Things that I put in here for my kids to work on, is work that my students have already mastered. We take the first few weeks of school to teach them how to match their number, do their work, return their work task, match the next number...and so on...Dividers for this area were made out of pvc pipe and sheets from Walmart. (see pic below) I also have a specific shelf in my room that has the work tasks on them only. They are divided out by student skill level so it makes it easier for my associates to pull for them to do independent work.
Below is a panoramic picture of what my classroom looks like. Let me know if you have any questions!!
Half of my classroom..From left: Desk area, direct instruction, independent work area, message center.
Independent work area with 1, 2, 3 set up.
Shelf with work tasks