Saturday, March 2, 2013

Student Organization

The next organization part I start (it takes quite a long time!) is organizing all of my students things. I have a .5 time resource position and a .5 time self contained preschool program so there is a lot of paperwork and things to be put together! 

I start by color coordinating all of my students things. Their lockers and picture/object schedule is a certain color, their table spot, their progress monitoring clipboards, their spot at group. This way, I do not have to have their confidential information on display AND they know where their designated spot is to allow for consistency. Each child has a daily notebook that gets sent home and that is also in their color. 

After that, I go through their IEP goal work and print each of their goal pages. I make sure all of their progress monitoring sheets are printed and up to date and put on separate clipboards according to each child and their color. After I have gone through all of their goals, I create a spreadsheet with each students name and their goals. I write on this document weekly so I can input it online from a simple sheet and am not running around looking for their scores. 

 For my preschoolers, I have clipboards that have all goal work are hanging in my "direct instruction" work area (where I do goal work with them). Their most current progress monitoring data hangs on clipboards there.  Also, in my direct instruction area I have an awesome shelf that has baskets where I can put all of the things I need for direct instruction and can put my reinforcers. 

For my morning students, I have a shelf that has their current progress monitoring data (that is covered). Each student has a "mailbox". There is where their associates (if they have one) leave their daily clipboards with any progress monitoring data so I can write it in my spreadsheet. It is also where I leave any papers for them to take home. 

For my morning kids' progress monitoring, I have bins that have each goal work in on a shelf.

Color cordinated locker spaces (Some students have schedules that are not stationary and some have object to object schedules)

Direct instruction/goal work shelves
Progress monitoring data clipboards

Picture (sideways) of my students' daily notebook.

My elementary students' daily data/weekly data. Also, each child has a clipboard that opens so I can insert any social stories, etc.

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